Byrna Product Laws


Byrna guns and rifles are non-lethal self-defense weapons that use CO2 cartridges to launch projectiles filled with chemical irritants. These weapons are designed to provide a non-lethal option for personal protection. However, the laws governing Byrna guns and rifles can vary depending on the state or jurisdiction.

In the United States, there are restrictions that vary by state and municipality on where Byrna products can be carried or used, markings that may be required, and other issues. Each customer is responsible for checking the law in his or her own state and municipality.

The shipping restrictions set forth by Byrna apply only to direct-to-consumer e-commerce sales and may not apply to sales by authorized local dealers in those states. Here are the current shipping restrictions for Byrna products:

Byrna Spacer
Byrna Max

Byrna Max Projectiles Restrictions

At this time, Byrna does not ship any Byrna Max products to New York, Wisconsin, Michigan, or California.

Byrna Pepper

Byrna Pepper Restrictions

At this time, Byrna does not ship any Byrna Pepper projectiles to California or New York.

Bad Guy Repellent Pepper Spray

Byrna Bad Guy Repellent (BGR) Restrictions

Personal defense sprays, including Byrna BGR products, are illegal in the following states: New York, Alaska, and Hawaii. No Byrna BGR products can be shipped to these states.

Bad guy repellent

Byrna Pepper Spray Restrictions by Product Size

Different states have different restrictions on the size of the Byrna BGR products that can be shipped. Here are the current restrictions by product size:

  • BGR Max 0.5 oz: Cannot be shipped to New York, Alaska, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Washington DC, and Michigan.
  • BGR Max 2 oz: Cannot be shipped to New York, Alaska, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Washington DC, Michigan, and New Jersey.
  • BGR Hell Pepper 0.5 oz: Cannot be shipped to New York, Alaska, and Hawaii.
  • BGR Hell Pepper 2 oz: Cannot be shipped to New York, Alaska, Hawaii, and New Jersey.
  • BGR Hell Pepper 1 lb & BGR Max 1 lb: Cannot be shipped to New York, Hawaii, North Carolina, New Jersey, Florida, and California.
Byrna shield

Byrna Ballistipac and Shield Restrictions

At this time, Byrna is unable to ship the Byrna Ballistipac IIIA, Byrna Ballistipac III+, and Byrna Shield Armor Plates to Connecticut or New York State.


Hawaii Orders

At this time, Byrna does not ship any products to the Hawaiian Islands. Customers in Hawaii can purchase Byrna products from Live Safe Hawaii, Byrna’s official partner in Hawaii.


California Products

Byrna ships the TCR-Tactical Compact Rifle, Mission 4 rifle, and Byrna KINETIC launchers and kits to California. These products only contain Kinetic Solid and Eco Kinetic projectiles and do not contain chemical rounds. Byrna can ship MAX or PEPPER projectiles and Pepper KITS to California if customers complete the CA Chemical Certification course found on the Byrna website. Byrna does not offer legal advice, and each customer is responsible for checking the law in his or her own area before purchasing any products.

new york

New York Products

Byrna ships the Tactical Compact Rifle, Mission 4 rifle, and Byrna SD/SD XL kinetic Kits to New York State. Byrna cannot ship MAX or PEPPER projectiles or PEPPER KITS to New York State. Byrna does not currently ship any products to New York City (5-Boroughs and Yonkers). Byrna does not offer legal advice, and

each customer is responsible for checking the law in his or her own area before purchasing any products.

It is important to note that state, county, and local regulations can vary, and customers should seek legal counsel if they are unsure of the laws in their area

Byrna Spacer

Simplifying Byrna Gun Laws for All 50 States

Here is a summary of the current laws regarding Byrna guns and rifles for all 50 states:

Byrna Spacer

Alabama Legal
Alaska Legal, except for Byrna BGR products and personal defense sprays
Arizona Legal
Arkansas Legal
California Legal, but restrictions on shipping MAX or PEPPER projectiles and PEPPER KITS, and customers must complete the CA Chemical Certification course for these products
Colorado Legal
Connecticut Legal, but Byrna Ballistipac IIIA, Byrna Ballistipac III+, and Byrna Shield Armor Plates cannot be shipped
Delaware Legal
Florida Legal, except for Byrna BGR Hell Pepper 1 lb & BGR MAX 1 lb
Georgia Legal
Hawaii Byrna products not legal
Idaho Legal
Illinois Legal
Indiana Legal
Iowa Legal
Kansas Legal
Kentucky Legal
Louisiana Legal
Maine Legal
Maryland Legal
Massachusetts Legal
Michigan Byrna Max products cannot be shipped, Byrna BGR Max 0.5 oz and BGR Max 2 oz cannot be shipped
Minnesota Legal
Mississippi Legal
Missouri Legal
Montana Legal
Nebraska Legal
Nevada Legal
New Hampshire Legal
New Jersey Byrna BGR Max 2 oz, BGR Hell Pepper 2 oz, and BGR Hell Pepper 1 lb & BGR MAX 1 lb not legal
New Mexico Legal
New York Legal, but restrictions on shipping MAX or PEPPER projectiles and PEPPER KITS, and Byrna cannot ship to New York City
North Carolina Byrna BGR Hell Pepper 1 lb & BGR MAX 1 lb not legal
North Dakota Legal
Ohio Legal
Oklahoma Legal
Oregon Legal, but Byrna products cannot be shipped to Portland
Pennsylvania Legal
Rhode Island Legal
South Carolina Legal
South Dakota Legal
Tennessee Legal
Texas Legal
Utah Legal
Vermont Legal
Virginia Legal
Washington Legal, but Byrna BGR Max 0.5 oz cannot be shipped to Washington DC
Washington DC Byrna BGR Max 0.5 oz not legal
West Virginia Legal
Wisconsin Byrna Max products cannot be shipped, Byrna BGR Max 0.5 oz and BGR Max 2 oz cannot be shipped
Wyoming Legal


Byrna guns and rifles provide a non-lethal option for personal protection. However, it is important to be aware of the laws and regulations regarding these weapons, as they can vary depending on the state or jurisdiction. Customers should check the law in their own state and municipality before purchasing any Byrna products. Byrna also has shipping restrictions, which vary depending on the product and the state. Customers should be aware of these restrictions before making a purchase. If customers are unsure of the laws in their area, they should seek legal counsel.