Category Archives: Survival Skills


How to Protect Your Survival Food

food supply

Emergency food supplies are assets that most families need, but don’t have at home. The government recommends having at least three days’ worth of items available, but places where hurricanes, earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions occur need closer to two weeks of rations.After Hurricane Katrina struck, many homeowners found themselves displaced because of property conditions or […]

How to Use Emergency Food Buckets

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Emergency food buckets are a convenient way to stock up for a potential disaster. It’s the easiest way to quickly add large quantities of food that cover every category you need, including fruits and vegetables.Today’s best buckets offer breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert options. You receive clean calories and nutrients, long-term storage, and simplified preparation. […]

Can I Drink Rainwater?

Drinking Water Survival

Rain can wash numerous contaminants into your storage container. Imagine that it falls on bird droppings left on your roof, then mixes with squirrel feces in your gutters before reaching its final destination. Is that something you’d want to drink?Rainwater can collect contaminants in the sky or while falling to the ground. Smoke and dust […]

What to Pack in Your Survival Backpack

survival kit

Survival backpacks are a perfect investment. These pre-filled items contain everything you need to stay alive if unexpected circumstances arise.Think of a survival backpack as your bugout bag that you don’t need to spend extra time putting together with everything else happening in life.When you choose the Red 64-Piece Survival Backpack, half of the items […]

Essential Safety Skills That Get You Through Emergencies

are you prepared

The first and best investment you can make in yourself is to learn CPR and first aid. The American Red Cross and other organizations offer these classes in virtually every community. If you get certified, you’re typically protected under Good Samaritan laws.An emergency can happen at any time. Instead of being caught entirely off-guard, you […]