Category Archives: Personal Safety

Protect Yourself in Style with Bulletproof Backpacks from Self Defense Mall

Bullet Blocker NIJ IIIA Sprout Backpack

Bulletproof backpacks are designed to offer protection to the wearer in case of a shooting incident. These backpacks are made of high-quality materials that can resist bullets and reduce the risk of injury. They are designed to look like regular backpacks and are perfect for students, commuters, and anyone who wants to stay safe on the go.

Self-Defense Gear for Women: 7 Essential Items for Safety

Self-defense for women

In this blog post, we discuss seven essential self-defense items every woman should consider for her safety: stun guns, TASER guns, pepper guns, pepper spray, self-defense keychains, bulletproof backpacks, and stun batons. We dive into the specifics of each item, explaining their benefits and usage. Preparation is crucial, and the right self-defense gear can make all the difference. Equip yourself with knowledge and the right tools for personal protection.

Everything You Need to Know About Sound Activated Barking Dog Alarm

Barking Dog Home Alarm