Sabre College Safety Program - Instructor Video
Female college students are four (4) times more likely to be sexually assaulted than any other age group. In fact, one (1) in five (5) female college students will be sexually assaulted. 10,000 college students are victimized by violent crimes annually and over 24,000 are affected by burglaries or theft.
In order to avoid contact with an attacker that could be stronger, faster and more skilled, students prefer to carry pepper spray which provides them with protection at a safe distance. Security Equipment Corporation (SEC), manufacturer of SABRE and SABRE RED personal safety sprays, is the world’s largest provider of pepper spray to law enforcement agencies and has trained over 4,500 police forces worldwide.
Realizing the dangers college students face, personal safety expert, David Nance and elite law enforcement instructors to joined forces to develop the SABRE College Safety Program. This program focuses on the SABRE Safety Mindset (Prevention Techniques) and how to Multiply Your Force (Protection Techniques).
Students learn how to discourage potential threats, how to protect themselves at a safe distance and escape to safety. SABRE College Safety Program’s class room instruction teaches critical behavioral and mental skills to help keep students safe both indoors and in public. The hands-on training students put into action what they learned in the class room. This helps them to be mentally and physically prepared to protect themselves in a high stress situation.
Colleges, Universities and Campus Safety Officers do an excellent job to help keep the nearly 20,000,000 college students safe across the country. Campuses can be very large and there are many isolated areas. Therefore, it is impossible to protect 20,000,000 students from danger. Ultimately, students must have a safety plan and a means to protect themselves until help arrives. The SABRE College Safety Program provides students with an excellent safety plan enabling them to enjoy their college experience. Visit for more information.