Byrna Basics: Stance
One of our other important basic fundamentals is our shooting stance. While there are several different stances out there, numerous studies have shown us that for the most part, when a shooting occurs, people shoot it whatever stance they are currently in.
Because of that we advocate training in a neutral fighting stance. This stance mimics a natural comfortable standing position. As you can see larks hips and feet are squared off to the target, and shoulder width apart. The most important aspect of this stance is the slight bend at the waist that shifts her weight from her heels to the balls of her feet. This allows her to react and move quickly if the need arises.
As we move up her back we see her shoulders rolled into the center of her body and her head in a neutral position, straight up and down, bringing the sights of the launcher up to her eyes and not her eyes and head down to the sights; this is very important.
Finally her shoulders are mostly square to the target and both her arms are extended, equally distributing pressure between the two of them.
Spending time to make sure your have a solid stance while training will make sure that you are providing a stable platform to shoot from, so that if the time comes, you are prepared to defend