Throwing stars are a unique self-defense weapon that can maximize damage while expanding your boundaries.

If you’ve seen action movies from Japan, China, and other parts of Asia, it’s not unusual to see a few throwing stars flying around the screen.

When they’re thrown for fun, this self-defense tool is sometimes called a “Ninja Star.” They’re referred to as shuriken if someone uses them for attacking purposes. Ninjutsu is the martial art that teaches the ways of an artistic attack.

Some designs have four points, others use six, and you can find options with eight or more. The good news is that throwing them is easy, even if the weight is a little heavy.

How Do I Throw a Throwing Star?

You can toss throwing stars vertically or horizontally. The easiest way to have a successful toss is to grip one of the points without contacting any sharp edges.

You can place your thumb on one side of the self-defense weapon, then have the knuckle of the pointer finger on the other side. It can take a little time to get used to that grip, so don’t be afraid to practice this part of defending yourself at home for a few days before your first toss.

Once you’re ready to release the throwing star, just step up and give it a strong throw. Your follow-through will direct the line it takes, while a forward release point will maximize its distance.

The concept is somewhat similar if you have thrown a baseball before.

A sidearm release is also possible when you can’t bring your arm over the top because of a shoulder injury or a throwing preference. You can chuck a throwing star like a Frisbee or come from the other side like a submarine pitch.

Sidearm methods tend to be less accurate, but they do offer some people a faster release. If you’re an attacker who sees someone sending throwing stars your way, you might think twice about continuing what you were going to do.

Add Subtlety to Your Wrist Movement for a Successful Throw

Although the arm motion is similar to a baseball, a throwing star requires more steps to have a successful release. The goal is to cradle it more than having a firm grip to avoid getting nicked as it comes out.

Whip the wrist forward, then back, traveling less than a foot in total motion. As the hand moves forward, your palm should end up facing you, with your thumb pointing upward. This motion prevents cuts as you form the release.

The index finger helps to direct the star while creating the spin that makes it a devastating self-defense option. Just don’t press in with your finger as the blades come across because that will create a painful experience.

High-quality throwing stars are an affordable self-defense tool that typically falls under the governance of knife laws. Always check local rules before using, but you’ll find that this option can be a practical choice when you want to maintain your distance.