Monthly Archives: August 2022

When Does Self-Defense Stop Being Self-Defense?

back view of woman hiding gun behind back near thief at night

Chuko Sandoval told police officers that he stayed at a smoke shop in Las Cruces, NM, on a late December evening after purchasing something because another person was acting strangely in the store. It even made the clerks uncomfortable.As the events unfolded, Anthony Malone tried to steal some watches from one of the store’s display […]

Words vs. Weapons: How to Recognize When Verbal De-Escalation Won’t Work

escalation or de escalation

De-escalation techniques are becoming part of the standard operating procedure for law enforcement agencies across the United States. These tools have been part of the juvenile justice and educational systems for more than two decades.Programs like Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) teach participants how to recognize emotional situations, process information, and encourage talking instead of violence […]

What Is OC Pepper Spray?

What is OC Spray?